
James questioned the referee: I do not know why the six guilty!

The fourth contest of the Eastern Conference finals of the Miami Heat and the Celtics, the final in overtime 91-93 loss to rival the total score series at 2-2 after the game the Heat players and coaches are interviewed which James referee questioned, he admitted that he did not know why fouled.Mars scattered playing the game, the Heat in the second half off a frenzied counterattack, James with 37.5 seconds left before the end of the distance from the fourth quarter soared in the third, the two teams draw, this Houlebulang originally have the opportunity of a final blow, but forced to double-team opponents, nike air max 90 vt womens fresh green, he was the ball came out after the game, James is also a lot of explanation."I was me and Wade made a cover, when I ran away, Wade the ball over to me, the very beginning, I get one-on-one opportunities and opponents, but after that KG ran up to the attack I I heard Rondo at him shouting 'to attack of the ball', when I dribble to the middle, see Haslem, but only a pity that most of us were left, and no opened effective space, which we can perform better. " nike air max 90 vt womens fresh green for sale.The end of extra time before the remaining 1 minute 51 seconds, James in the scramble and Pietrus both fell to the ground, referee the LeBron offensive foul, toting six guilty of the emperor could do nothing but leave, and this is his seasonAfter the race his first fouled out after the game, LeBron admits, he did not foul."It is too difficult, I do not know how six committed field, I usually foul too much, so have always felt that he did not foul." James said, "I do not know, I really do not know , when I lateral the ball, and then fell, they think Pietrus action, whistled for an offensive foul, In addition, I also eat in the restricted area, a double foul and offensive and defensive conversion of the foul, it is indeed too difficult I know how to play, but can not control all of this, Obviously, I do not need to rely knocked down opponent against the advantages. " cheap nike air max 90 vt womens fresh green.Wade missed in overtime last moment lore after the game Dwyane Wade, a lot of explanation. "The plan is reached the basket, but there were not enough good shots."After the Heat lost the game, coach Spoelstra also expressed their views. "You lost an implementation of the tactics and the best candidates (James was sent off), many of our tactics around him to commence with, at the last moment, did not open, you are just trying to save the game, we had a a chance to win, but now you can only accept such an outcome. "

